White is Actually Green

eco-friendly-iconIn the new chapter of building evolution, more and more green-friendly products are being used in an effort to combat energy usage and lighten our environmental footprint. The fact of the matter is that we’ve been green-friendly for many years before it became a hot topic. One of the most important part of EIFS is the use of EPS (commonly known as foam) to wrap structures.

The ability of EPS to save energy and control moisture is critical to the success of any project. There is no other wall system that offers the same protection against Mother Nature, keeping the air inside within your walls. This also applies to keeping the air outside from getting in.

This equates to many dollars saved as your reliance on energy is lessened.

It’s not difficult to see why using EIFS is the ecological option when it comes to cladding your home. Coupled with the freedom of design, use of any colour, texture and specialty finishes, choosing EIFS is a perfectly good choice over traditional building methods.